Get involved with Love Windermere

Everyone can play their part to help improve the water quality in Windermere. From getting involved in citizen science, to thinking about what you flush down the loo, there are lots of things you can do to make a difference.

Swimmer Ged is among the hundreds who have taken part in the Big Windermere Survey.

Hear from Ged as he explains why he volunteered to help with the Big Windermere Survey – and why he loves Windermere!
Keen swimmer Laura Ruxton of the National Trust takes part in the Big Windermere Survey

Hear Laura Ruxton explain how as a ‘citizen scientist’ she believes the work of the Big Windermere Survey not only helps answer some of the questions about water quality but brings other benefits too.

The BIG Windermere Survey – You could join 100 other Citizen Scientists and help take “the biggest snapshot of water quality” on England’s biggest lake.

Bloomin Algae – Download this Citizen Science app to report the presence of harmful algal blooms of blue-green algae.

Riverfly monitoring – You could volunteer to join a team of Citizen Scientists and monitor your local river, helping detect pollution and create long term data sets.

Stop the Block – Wet wipes, period products, fatty food waste – all of these things should go in the bin and not down the drain.  Find out how abusing your loo or your kitchen sink can lead to blockages and sewage spills.

Septic tanks – If your house or business has a septic tank you need to look after it, and that will help look after the lake.  Call of Nature provides advice on how to maintain a healthy non mains system and hints on what to look for if yours is not operating effectively

Eco-friendly detergents – Ever wondered what makes a washing up liquid or shampoo eco-friendly?  It’s all about using products that don’t contain phosphorus. Everyone can play their part in reducing the nutrients that can cause algal blooms.

Windermere Community Partnership – South Cumbria Rivers Trust are setting up a new volunteer partnership to work collectively to protect, monitor and enhance the Windermere catchment. It will represent, advocate and co-ordinate actions and priorities for local organisations, communities, landowners and businesses.