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Love Windermere community engagement

Love Windermere Partnership engages with local community at Environment Agency drop in event at Ambleside

7th July 2023

The Love Windermere partnership held a stand at the Environment Agency drop in event in Ambleside for residents and visitors to the area on 8th June 2023. The drop in event aimed to increase awareness of the new flood warning areas in Ambleside and help equip businesses and individuals to be better prepared in instances of flooding. The event also provided a chance for residents to engage with the Love Windermere partnership and think about the part they can play in helping improve the water quality in Windermere.

The day was very well attended and both residents and visitors to the area were able to learn about the Love Windermere partnership. Opportunities were promoted to residents to get involved in the newly formed community group or to volunteer to become a citizen scientist and advice was offered ranging from what to flush down your loo to how to maintain a healthy septic tank. It was a chance to find out about the evidence-based actions that are being undertaken by a range of stakeholders and actions that can be undertaken by all to help improve water quality in the lake.

The event linked together issues facing Ambleside highlighting the relationship between climate change, flooding, nature and water quality and the steps everyone can take to help improve the health of Windermere for people and wildlife.