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Love Windermere Farmers Meeting

The Love Windermere Land Management Group held a first meeting for farmers and land managers in the Windermere catchment on 20 March 2023.

24th May 2023

The meeting was a first opportunity for farmers and land managers to get together and hear from members of the Land Management Group about the Love Windermere programme, ask questions, and discuss how farming can benefit from and contribute to the Love Windermere programme. 35 people were at the meeting, a mix of farmers, land owners, and partner representatives.

The evening got good feedback from the attendees in terms of sharing information about the Love Windermere programme, and an opportunity for in person discussions about the issues. The Love Windermere Land Management group met a few days later and reviewed the meeting. They concluded that the farmers meeting was a good first step, and there is a lot more farmer engagement needed. The group agreed to encourage the join up between partner staff working with farmers in the catchment to maximise the effectiveness of existing advisors and schemes. It also agreed to explore the potential for securing funding to support a farmer cluster in the catchment.