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The Partners

There are nine partnership members within the Love Windermere initiative. An overview with links to each organisation’s specific interests are provided below.

Cumbria Tourism

Cumbria Tourism is VisitEngland’s official Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) for the county and works with its member businesses and partners to add real value to our world-class visitor economy. We believe our environment, our culture and our way of life are fundamental to the success of tourism and the wellbeing of the people who live here. The Cumbria Tourism Strategy 2020-2025 guides the development of tourism not just for economic success, but also in sympathy with what makes the Lake District, Cumbria so special.

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is the public body with responsibilities relating to the protection and enhancement of the environment in England. In the North West it’s our job to look after your environment to create better places for people and wildlife, while supporting sustainable development. Visit our local social media pages to see how we are active in your community to increase resilience to the risks of flooding and coastal erosion; protect and improve water, land and biodiversity and regulate polluting industries to clean up the air we breathe, the rivers and coastal waters we cherish and the land we live on. 


Twitter @EnvAgencyNW Instagram @EnvAgencyNW

Lake District Foundation

The Lake District Foundation inspires people to donate to projects that care for the spectacular wildlife, landscapes and cultural heritage of the Lake District and Cumbria. The LDF supports the delivery of the shared aims of the Lake District National Park Partnership as the main fundraising and grant making partner. This is achieved through innovative and successful fundraising campaigns locally, nationally and internationally.  The LDF encourages partners to work together to ensure a coordinated approach to fundraising and income generation.


Lake District National Park Authority

The Lake District National Park Authority looks after this unique corner of England, encouraging people to enjoy and understand its beauty and helping those who live and work here. Our staff include rangers and field workers, advisers at our visitor centres, planners and ecologists.

The strategies set out in the 2020-2025 management plan for the Lake District set a context for the Love Windermere project. The management plan is delivered by a range of partners from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors who collectively look after the Lake District National Park. Find out more about the Lake District National Park Partnership.


The National Trust

The National Trust is Europe’s largest conservation charity and we believe in the importance of nature, beauty and history in people’s lives. We care for over 20 per cent of the Lake District National Park, including England’s highest mountain, Scafell Pike; its deepest lake, Wastwater; its precious wildlife; 90 tenanted farms, and the cultural heritage within a dozen historic buildings.

As a conservation charity we recognise that water is the lifeblood of the UK’s landscapes and environment, and we are dedicated to making improvements wherever we can. As a partner in Love Windermere we hope to make a positive impact on the lake and ensure it can be enjoyed now and in the future.

Although we don’t own the lake itself, we are continuing to deliver conservation work in the upper catchment areas (Langdale, Ambleside, Windermere and Hawkshead) to ensure that water joining the lake from National Trust land is as healthy as possible. In collaboration with our tenant farmers, this work includes restoring reedbeds, broadening wetland areas, planting trees and improving habitats along the banks of streams and rivers.


National Farmers Union

The NFU represents more than 46,000 farming and growing businesses. Our purpose is to champion British agriculture and horticulture, to campaign for a stable and sustainable future for British farmers and to secure the best possible deal for our members.  We strive to protect and promote British farm life and give our members a voice now and in the future.

South Cumbria Rivers Trust

The South Cumbria Rivers Trust is a not-for-profit, environmental charity. We aim to monitor, conserve, protect, rehabilitate and improve biodiversity of the lakes, rivers and streams of South Cumbria including adjacent waters for the public benefit. This includes providing information to the public, businesses and public bodies on the lakes and rivers including their fauna, flora, socio-economic and amenity value and the management of the water quality and quantity. We also promote the need for, and benefit of conservation, protection, rehabilitation and improvement of the aquatic environment.  

United Utilities

United Utilities is the regulated water company serving the 7 million people throughout the North West of England. We collect water from the environment and treat it before supplying it to taps across the region. We manage 77,000km of mains sewers which carry wastewater and rainwater away from built up areas to be treated before being returned to the environment. Every five years we agree our investment plans with our regulators following consultation around communities, customers, employees, environment, investors and suppliers. Our work delivers a range of long-term benefits for many different stakeholder groups.


Westmorland and Furness Council

Westmorland and Furness Council recognises the local, national and international significance of Windermere and as a member of the Love Windermere programme supports the common goals to secure environmental improvements to mitigate the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss through achieving improvements in the water quality.  The council operates a lake warden service, which works in partnership with the LDNPA lake rangers from offices at our public marina at Ferry Nab. Our wardens are responsible for the administration of moorings on Windermere and encroachments, as well as monitoring the eight public jetties around the lake and operating the public slipway at Ferry Nab. The wardens also operate a patrol and rescue service, manage lake moorings and public jetties, provide boat winter storage and other customer and boat services, including raising lake users’ awareness of byelaws and how they can help maintain and improve water quality.

The council’s Lake Administration Committee, which includes representation from Lakes Parish Council and Windermere Town Council, deals with the functions of the council, specifically in relation to the management of the bed of the lake within Windermere.

Windermere area Parish Councils