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Stakeholders chart buoyant future for Windermere

Discussions, debates and detail about England’s biggest lake were the subject of an event aimed at developing plans and activities to ensure a healthier future for Windermere.

Stakeholder event
6th December 2023

Over 60 people, drawn from a wide range of organisations across Cumbria and beyond, took part in the day-long session held on 29th November 2023 at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal.

The facilitated discussions were a powerful way to share the real depth of knowledge and learning from all sectors in a stimulating and rewarding environment.

The Love Windermere Partnership was set up in 2022 and aims to bring about a healthier future for the lake and the surrounding area incorporating the needs of nature, communities and the local economy. The workshop will help shape and influence the Long-Term Management Plan for Windermere and the catchment area.

Alison Whalley, Love Windermere partnership manager, said: “By bringing together a wide range of stakeholders with an interest or influence on Windermere, we are developing a strong foundation of knowledge to guide the future direction of the Love Windermere partnership as well as understand how others can take action to effect positive change. 

Feedback during and after the day was very positive, the event provided a fantastic opportunity to listen and share knowledge as well as widen networks.

Alison added: ” We hope people will remain actively committed to finding the best possible solutions and continue to take actions plan for the health of Windermere both now and long into the future.  We will use the outputs of the workshop to help guide the future direction of action to help improve the water environment for people and wildlife.”